Household Hazardous Waste

The Township of South Stormont and the City of Cornwall have an agreement for Township residents to dispose of both hazardous waste and e-waste at the City of Cornwall depot located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road West.

The depot is open from April to November as follows:

  • Two Saturdays per month 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM; and
  • Two Wednesdays per month 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


Please refer to the Township Waste Management Calendar on our Recycle Coach page for exact dates.

Items accepted at the depot include:

  • Paint:  Latex and oil-based.
  • Corrosive:  Vehicle batteries, drain cleaner.
  • Flammable:  Lighter fluid, turpentine, gasoline, used oil, diesel and furnace oil.
  • Toxic:  Poisons, bleach, medications, pesticides, cleaning fluids, antifreeze and full aerosol cans.
  • Propane tanks: Both the regular BBQ tanks and the smaller camping type cylinders.

Please be aware that paint produced prior to 1977, PCBs, fireworks, flares, ammunition and needles will NOT be accepted.  For unknown substances, call 613-936-6072 and for other local green disposal options, visit

Electronic Waste

Electronic waste is accepted free of charge at both the Township of South Stormont Trillium Road Landfill, as well as the City of Cornwall Landfill.

Electronic waste includes items such as display devices (monitors & TVs), computers, computer accessories, printers/copiers, telephones, cellular devices, speakers and audio equipment, etc.